How fast is Scooby Doo Too?
Her top speed on sea trials when newly commissioned
was 27.3 knots running with the tide. However,
it is cruising speed that matters and at 16 to 18
knots a level of comfort and fuel efficiency is best
Licence and Insurance
Scooby Doo
Too has been certified by the M.C.A. (Maritime and
Coastguard Agency) through a certifying authority (SCMS)
for 12 passengers and 2 crew up to 60 miles from a
safe haven. This always raises a smile as the
Bristol Channel is barely 13 miles across, thus there
is nowhere in the Bristol Channel that is unreachable.
The skipper holds a D.O.T Boatmasters licence covering the Bristol Channel.
The vessel is insured with Navigators and General through our broker, Bristol Channel Marine
Insurance Consultants.
Safety at sea
Your safety whilst on board our vessel is of paramount
importance to us.The safety equipment that Scooby Doo Too carries is comprehensive and
complies with the MCA's code of practice requirements. The vessels safety equipment is
inspected on an annual basis. In certain instances we have chosen to equip
the vessel beyond the MCA's legal requirements.For instance a single life raft is required.
We felt that a raft could be damaged on deployment, therefore we carry 2 rafts [annually serviced]
therefore ensuring greater safety for our passengers in the unlikely event of an emergency.